Thursday, May 7, 2015

You knew it was a War! (Hellblazers Read On)

Welcome to Hell Ladies/Gents – You knew it was a War!

There are two truths in this Hellblazers World right now.

           1.    We want to have another Season of Constantine.
           2.    We are fighting to get number one done.

To create a negative atmosphere in such a space of Hope will not be helpful to anyone.  We are all parts of this clockwork and using all our talents, skills, and even sources close to thy enemy.

I have heard so many stories of bad attitudes from various sources and like them I wait to have them verified before sharing with the group or making a move forward.

Until it is reported officially and stated in the press of our position for the show – keep the HOPE in your Hearts.

Going negative will not HELP the show – the cast who may one day be on another NBC type show and loose that job because of fear of fandoms going negative – and worst of all negative wears on your own Health.

Hellblazers are NOT losers – we are the ones above all else that proves otherwise to the World that is watching us.

Passions do rise – and so should our ability to take control of any news that come our way.  If not I have a good idea where we can get a cattle prod to put anyone back into check.

Before you make moves – make sure the facts are on your side.  We are bonded through Friendship thanks to the wonderful show of Constantine.

Keep Fighting – Be Proud of what your doing – Verify facts before any messages show up in public that could later bite us, the cast or even the crew for future jobs.

Lean on each other for Support.  We are not Fighting alone.  Several Fandoms are standing at our side and have been sharing in our Streaming, Tweeting and Prayers for the comeback of the show.


Remember!  Respect & Represent the name & Respect each other.

Any Questions? - Find Me (@FolkToe) - & discuss this like 'We Are One' in this War


  1. WOW! Love your Passion! We needed this! <3

  2. The Big kick in the butt for sure AnnMarie. There has been so much rumors that I can't keep track of them all. I'm now following you on Twitter fellow #Hellblazer.

  3. It makes so much sense!
