Sunday, March 29, 2015

Joined In Instagram

Instagram  <----- Join today & Found here!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015


Rumor has it that is working on his own angle to  

maybe it will work. :-)

Express Yourself through FanFiction

READ more @ & search under --> Constantine & get creative too


just click > Whatever, just start the game 

Don't like it? - Stop Following me on Social Media

For those who don't care to #SaveConstantine and wish I would stop trying to help "The Hellblazer Family" try ~ I created a message for you to enjoy and be warned there is an adult word or two in the video message.


CLICK HERE ----> Message For The Haters

I won't be stopping until we receive official news of the TV Show Constantine's future and I wanted to add I enjoy your hate/negative emails Cowards. 

It means the ideas are helping the campaign and our efforts are perhaps making a dent in getting the show back because it is reaching so many - even the ones who wish we'd just go away.  

Or your just looking for a trouble sending me emails to an account that is easily accessible to close & report Cowards for such behavior?

I may only be in the "Creative Department" with silly captioned photos and generators and working on getting out to help others get contact information, but if there is a show to Fight for - it's this one.

Don't like it?  - Stop Following me on Social Media

UPDATE: May 2015- 2 men from Oregon and 1 woman from Canada has been arrested, convicted and now paying the price for trying to get away with several charges in connection to this post.

Never think you can get away from a Hellblazer - we never quit.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Real Reason John killed Gary

Real Reason John killed Gary - 
He didn't keep his hands off Zed and John got Angry

Jim needs Decaf

Migraines for Zed

Why healthy food all the time?

Streets R safe when U carry a knife

Did you Notice?

Can you say jealousy?

I know my shrink says I am. :-)

Was the original air date last episode

Oh Chas

Halloween 2014 Revenge

We all had to start somewhere. LOL

duckface selfie fad minus the selfie

We're all off our meds. LOL

Know of ALL Fandoms - But Help this 1